75th Independence Day August 15, 2021 Celebration & Commemoration of the First Vice Chancellor of University of Delhi (2021)
15 photosRepublic Day Celebrations ( January 26, 2021)
11 photosDU organized its 88th University Court meeting on 26th March, 2021 at multipurpose hall, DU
2 photosInauguration of Hall of Fame: Pride and Pearls of Faculty of Arts & WE: A Multidisciplinary and Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal
24 photosProf. P. C. Joshi along with DU team visited Roshanpura near Nagafgarh where DU plans to open a college catering to students hailing from rural areas of Delhi and Haryana
3 photosVaccination drive at South Campus
4 photosProf. P. C. Joshi inaugurated Post Covid facility at VPCI which is a state of the arts referral centre for post covid patients having chest complications
3 photosProf. P. C. Joshi and Dr. Vikas Gupta visited WUS centre of Delhi University where Covid Vaccination Centre has been opened to provide vaccination facilities to members of the DU family
3 photosInauguration of Vaccination Camp in Hansraj College
4 photosDirector, South Campus launched two days (19-20 April 2021) vaccination camp and WUS Health Center, University of Delhi South Campus
5 photosCOVID Vaccination Centre opened at WUS Health Centre (South Campus)
1 photo2nd National Conference on Destination India April 15, 2021 - Making India the Preferred Hub of Education
9 photosDr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, President, ICCR visited University of Delhi and met Prof. P. C. Joshi, Prof. Balaram Pani, Prof. Suman Kundu and Dr. Vikas Gupta.
4 photosPrayer Meeting - In the memory of Delhi University employees (teaching & non-teaching) left to heavenly abode during Covid pandemic
6 photosWorld Environment Day
2 photosMoU signing Ceremony for Bangabandhu Chair
6 photosLaunch of Admission 2021 Portal by Hon'ble Vice Chancellor
3 photosAmrit Mahotsav Book Exhibition on Indian Freedom Movement.
5 photosFoundation Stones of two "Student Facilitation Centres
7 photosOpen House Discussion on National Education Policy 2020
6 photos